Friday, December 13, 2013

Observation #3 - Assessment

1) What do you think the objective is?

Students will be able to identify the red scare and the similarities it has with “the crucible”
Students will be able to identify key people and dates from the Red Scare lesson/lecture 

2) What level of Bloom’s Taxonomy is that?

Analysis, comprehension, application

3) How will you assess it in 10 minutes or less?

4 mult choice and 2 short answer

Multiple Choice, 4 points total, 1 point each

1.     Who was the US Senator who started the Red Scare in America?
a.     John Proctor
b.     Joe McCarthy
c.      Arthur Miller
d.     Ryan Seacrest
2.     When did the Red Scare take place?
a.     1950s
b.     1690s
c.      1770s
d.     1830s
3.     Who wrote the play “The Crucible”?
a.     John Proctor
b.     Arthur Miller
c.      Ryan Seacrest
4.     When did “The Crucible” take place?
a.     1950s
b.     1690s
c.      1770s
d.     1830s

Short Response, 6 points total, 3 points each

1.     Name one character from “The Crucible” (1 pt) and describe their role in the play (2 pts).

2.     Using at least 3 unit vocabulary words, describe how “The Crucible” is similar to the Red Scare (1 pt/accurately defined vocab word).

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